Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Serge says: Devo

Nov 23/09. Phoenix. Devo's first show in Toronto in 25 years was definitely no disappointment. They played an energetic and exciting show to a packed house of receptive fans and curious onlookers. They started with a couple of their earliest videos I suppose to show us how skinny they used to be. Devo, still displaying their knack for showmanship, were decked out in their trademark outfits - you would think someone would point out that yellow jumpsuits are not slimming. Their enthusiasm and energy were boundless this night, jumping around and "Devo posing" looked silly and awesome for a group of men this age. They played their first album in its entirety, blessed with crowd pleasing songs such as Uncontrollable Urge, Mongoloid and Gut Feeling/Slap Your Mammy. After a short break, they returned to play a handful of songs and finished with a rousing Gates Of Steel. And it was much appreciated that they skipped Whip It. Enjoy some "Nerd Punk" below.

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